The new Battlefield 2042 update will finally add in-game voice chat

Electronic Arts and DICE announced that the latest update to Battlefield 2042 It will finally add a much needed feature: in-game voice chat. Since the release of the latest Battlefield title at the end of last year, DICE has been slowly adding a number of vital new features to the game, some of which may have been included at launch. And while it took a while for some minor additions to the game to appear, the voice chat will finally make its debut the next day.

DICE revealed today that the latest update to Battlefield 2042 It goes live across Xbox, PlayStation, and PC tomorrow, April 19. The patch will make quite a number of changes to the game in general, but VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is probably the new thing that will delight fans the most. In-game voice chat is something that was present in previous Battlefield titles, which is why there are so many of them 2042 Players are asking for his appearance in this latest version. Chat will be available in two formats with one version available for parties and one for your team.

The reason why voice chat is important in Battlefield 2042, in particular, due to the nature of the team-based game. Battlefield has always been a series that pushes players to work directly with those on their team. Because Battlefield 2042 He hadn’t previously offered a group chat, though, so this was a little hard to encourage. Given that this Battlefield title also features more players than ever before, it’s also more important than ever before voice chat finally came into the game. It remains to be seen whether or not this feature will see a number of players return, but it is at least a step in the right direction.

Will this new update prompt you to pay Battlefield 2042 back to yourself? Or are you busy playing other games at this time? Let me know either in the comments or connect with me on Twitter at MustafaHosny Oh God, Amen.



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