Cast: Where have you seen the actors from Paramount + The Godfather before

Fifty years after its publication, The Godfather Still considered one of the best films of all time, it is a once-in-a-generation movie that helped launch the careers of some of the greatest actors of the second half of the 20th century, and heralded a new era of gangster movies. But, Francis Ford Coppola’s masterful adaptation of the classic Mario Puzo novel would never have been possible, had it not been for a handful of powerful behind-the-scenes players, whom we see in Display.

The long-awaited original Paramount+ series that has been the subject of discussion for what appears to be years now has finally arrived on the popular streaming service, and you may be wondering where I’ve seen members of Display cast before. Here’s a breakdown of who these actors are, who they play, and everything else you need to know…

Miles Teller on the show

(Photo credit: Paramount +)

Miles Teller (Albert S. Roddy)


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