How can Dr. Strange in a multiverse of madness make young Avengers

As the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to grow, there is no limit to the number of characters that fans are eager for the franchise to introduce or tell their stories about, but there is one yet-to-be cast that has consistently made their roster. Modern movies and series. This team, of course, is the Young Avengers.

While nothing concrete has been announced about the Young Avengers project, Marvel has been bringing its heroes into the fold one by one. hook Kate Bishop (Hailee Steinfeld) gave us, WandaVision Tommy and Billy feet – the champions Speed ​​and Wicca respectively), lokiThe first season introduced Kid Loki, The Hawk and the Winter Soldier We introduced Elijah Bradley, and we still have Kamala Khan next Mrs. Marvellwhich is the new Cassie Lang game Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantum Human, And Doctor Strange in a multiverse of madness America will give us Chavez (Zochitel Gomez). With the various characters already in place (or on the way to being in place), the MCU is in a prime position to assemble the next generation of Avengers – and Doctor Strange in a multiverse of madness It presents the perfect opportunity to do so.

There are some aspects of the new movie that could lead to the introduction of Young Avengers. One of the most direct and perhaps the most hopeful is the recovery of Billy (Julian Hilliard) and Tommy (Jet Klein). As Marvel fans will remember, the Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) twins appear to have been wiped out at the end of the day. WandaVision When Wanda finished the hexagon that created her pseudo-reality in Westview. However, in a post-credits scene, while studying magic in seclusion, Wanda hears her boys calling her, likely from somewhere in the multiverse, suggesting they’re alive there, somewhere. We’ve already seen the twins appear in trailers for Doctor Strange in a multiverse of madness And while we don’t know the full context yet, the film’s score could bring the boys into things on a permanent basis.

And this kind of bringing characters back – or at least to the “main” universe from elsewhere in the multiverse – also talks about how the movie can move an entire team of Young Avengers beyond just introducing the characters. In the comics, Young Avengers came together as a sort of fix for the Avengers team after the 2004-2005 story “Avengers Disassembled”. When Nathaniel Richards came in armor from the future on the run from his future self, Kang the Conqueror. After arriving at the abandoned Avengers Mansion, he ends up accessing Vision’s AI, and thus, the Avengers Fail-Safe program that allowed him to team up with Eli Bradley, Billy Kaplan, Teddy Altman, Cassie Lang and Kate Bishop to take on the task. Threats and preparation for the arrival of Kang. With most of these characters already part of the MCU heading into it The multiverse of madness Kang is on his way inside ant man 3It wouldn’t be much of a stretch for the movie to get the characters together as a team — even if only for a post-credits scene.

The movie could also create a different kind of setting for the formation of Young Avengers. Something of the theme during Phase 4 of the MCU is that the Avengers as we knew them no longer really exist. Iron Man is dead, Captain America is gone, that mantle has been moved, Hook has seen the emergence of a new archer, etc. The multiverse of madness That would see all threats fully managed. Perhaps it’s not Kang’s threat or the arrival of Nathaniel Richards that drives things like it does in the comics. Instead, with the film introduced to Chavez’ America, it may be America that ends up putting things together to deal with the fallout from this movie’s threat. It will open the door to recruiting additional heroes like Cassie Lang and Kate Bishop, as well as providing an opportunity for characters like Kamala Khan to be brought in later as well. After all, Mrs. Marvell It was first set on Disney+ just a month later Doctor Strange in a multiverse of madness Opens in theaters.

However, it ends up working, Doctor Strange in a multiverse of madness It’s a movie certainly set to not only transform the MCU in terms of introducing new facts, new characters, and more, but it offers the best opportunity yet to pave the way for the next generation of heroes and the threats they’ll face as the universe expands.

Want to know more about the latest adventures of Doctor Strange and the Scarlet Witch in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Check back on ComicBook CRAM every day before the premiere of Doctor Strange in a multiverse of madness And click here for more content to find out everything you need to know about the new movie!



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