Bipolar I: Inspiring Industry to Include Accurate Representation

As of 2020, nearly 21% of all adults in the United States report having a mental illness. Although it’s not always easy to talk about, in recent years, Americans have become more open to conversation, with issues related to mental health topics even popping up in popular culture.

Media and entertainment can have a powerful impact on public awareness and cognition. Characters who deal with their mental health on screen often define and embody this experience for audiences—and may reinforce harmful stereotypes in the process.

Today, there is a growing movement to represent people with mental illness more realistically in film and television. While progress has been made in destigmatizing mental illness in general, depictions of serious and complex conditions, such as bipolar type I disorder, are often simplified and portrayed negatively.

Bipolar 1 disorder affects nearly 3 million American adults, causing unexpected high and low mood swings – also known as episodes of mania and depression – that can be short or last for long periods of time. People with type 1 bipolar disorder, a lifelong mental health condition, may experience periods of extreme changes in mood, activity levels, energy, and ability to do daily tasks. Sometimes misunderstood or not recognized, it can take up to 10 years for a person to receive an accurate diagnosis.

As dramatic as these symptoms may sound, type 1 bipolar disorder can be controlled. Many people with bipolar disorder can live multidimensional lives. A combination of consistent therapy, therapy and peer support can help patients manage the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Despite this, the stigma associated with type 1 bipolar disorder, as it sometimes appears in movies and TV shows, may discourage people living with the disorder from seeking the help they may need.

One way to educate and influence awareness is to hear the stories of people with bipolar type 1 disorder. This Is My Brave (TIMB), one of the leading mental health patient advocacy groups, whose mission is the belief that storytelling can help save lives. By sharing TIMB’s vision, this partnership aims to bring the world closer to the point where people can speak openly about mental illness without identifying them as “courageous.”

“We’re starting to see more realistic representations of bipolar I disorder in entertainment, which is encouraging — characters on TV shows like ‘Ozark’ and ‘Unsafe’ come to mind as balanced, multidimensional depictions of the disease,” says Erin Gallagher, CEO. For This Is My Brave. Hollywood has always played a crucial role in shaping public perception. Together, we can change preconceptions to help people with type 1 bipolar disorder know they are not alone and feel empowered to seek the help they need.”

In partnership with leading patient advocacy groups, AbbVie wants to help lift the stigma around type 1 bipolar disorder — and invites the entertainment industry to join in.

Here are some general tips that can be used in Hollywood to promote a more accurate portrayal of people with type 1 bipolar disorder:

  • Hear real patient stories and talk to bipolar type 1 experts. Type 1 bipolar disorder is one of the most misunderstood conditions in mental health, so it is important to research the condition to help shape an accurate imaging. People with bipolar disorder often experience mania and depression. During these episodes, they can experience a range of symptoms that vary from individual to individual. Take the time to talk to people living with type 1 bipolar disorder and ask for information from support organizations or other educational resources.
  • Explain that the poles me The disorder can affect anyone. Consider diversity within a community by representing how mental illness affects someone of any age, gender, race, or demographic.
  • Identify characters through stories other than their mental illness. Show the multidimensional life of characters with mental health conditions such as bipolar disorder type I. Visualize various aspects of their life including family, job, relationships, hobbies, etc.
  • Avoid negative stereotypes. Accurately depict mentally ill characters without overemphasizing negative traits. For example, criminals in fantasy shows are often portrayed as suffering from polarizing mental health conditions, such as bipolar I disorder. This kind of interdependence adds to the burden of stigma within the community.
  • Acknowledge medication and treatment. If a personality with type 1 bipolar disorder exhibits extreme behaviors, it is important to show that these behaviors may be due to a lack of compliance or response to their medication or that the personality is not being treated because of their condition. When portraying characters with balanced lives, consider recognizing that they are under the care of a physician and that bipolarity is managed with therapy, medication, and peer support.

The importance of mental health has become an increasingly relevant topic in recent years. More than ever, more people are connecting to discussions about mental health and are curious to learn more about what they can do to help. Mental health advocacy should always be a top priority – including conversations between professionals in the entertainment industry and the bipolar community.

Dedicated to tackling the complexity of mental illness for more than 30 years, AbbVie hopes to highlight the critical need for accurate representation of bipolar I disorder across media and entertainment, supported by patient advocacy groups and industry leaders.

“[We are] She is deeply committed to helping those with complex and debilitating mental illnesses, and works to help lift the stigma around bipolar 1 disorder in particular,” says Julie Adams, AbbVie’s executive medical director. Millions of Americans live with bipolar disorder. We want to help provide resources and support for patients. We hope that people with type 1 bipolar disorder will be better represented on the big and small screens, reducing the stigma they may encounter on their journeys.”

Sponsored by AbbVie


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