Reports why Travis Parker was hospitalized in: He has pancreatitis

aWe all waited for a report from whatever media organization she was close to Travis Parker in Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los AngelesAnd the TMZ He came out with a quick report on his condition. They obviously wanted to be the first to report the news, but they failed to fully communicate the facts. According to them, Travis Parker was hospitalized with pancreatitis and doctors believe it resulted from a recent colonoscopy he had.

However, they have heard the facts wrong because the colon is in no way related to the pancreas. Action that might have happened Travis is hospitalized Called a cholecystectomy, it is the surgical removal of the gallbladder when it has gallstones or spleen and directly affects the pancreas. We asked a medical professional about this and they confirmed it Travis Parker It is possible that he suffers from cholecystitis.

Other causes of pancreatitis Travis Parker.

When gallstones travel to the pancreas, it can be fatal for a patient who is not examined as soon as possible. But there is another reason for damage to the pancreas, which is the chronic consumption of alcohol. If cirrhosis is caused by alcohol abuse, the pancreas is one of the first to be affected.

Those are the only two reasons Travis Parker has pancreatitis, not a colonoscopy. We are happy to report what is happening to our readers with direct medical help from a doctor who knows. Pancreatitis can cause some of the most severe stomach ache known to humans, and Travis must have been suffering badly when he was taken to the hospital.

What are the symptoms of pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis has a variety of symptoms which include the nausea, severe stomach pain we have discussed, and a lot of vomiting. If the doctors at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center are quick, the drummer should eventually recover from this problem. However, taking too long to take care of it can end up wrong.

Fortunately, there have been no reports yet of anything other than what we have already discussed. The entire music family is praying for the speedy recovery of Travis Parker, and we hope he’ll be back on his feet soon and playing those drums because only he knows how to do it.



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