The disdain sounds gross and wonderful, but it’s the sounds that really haunt me

In 2016, the horror adventure game Scorn from Ebb Software made its way into the arena. Its beginnings can be found on the crowdfunding site KickstarterOver 5,600 supporters pledged €192,487 ($200.523.91) and received various levels of concessions. Level 1 rewards include a set of HD wallpapers, your name in the credits, trial access, and a copy of the game on PC. People who supported its highs received a limited edition USB flash drive, a statuette, a vinyl version of the soundtrack, and more.


Then in 2020, Ebb Software partnered with Microsoft, taking the PC-exclusive game and making it cross-platform with an Xbox Series X release scheduled for October. When asked why they decided to partner with Microsoft, Game Director Lyubomir Beklar said game reactor“It’s very simple. Good game performance is important to us. Xbox Series X is a very capable device to reach par with the PC version of the game.”

When I first saw the game world inspired by HR Giger, I was very intrigued by its appearance. A scene from a bloody nightmarish hell that looks like he could use a Danny Tanner-style deep cleaning. A big part of the game’s appeal outside of the overall game is its sound design.

The sound design really does a great job of making movements around certain areas give you the feeling of letting go. Echoes of falling to the ground let out noises that unleashed my fear of enemies hearing her, and she comes in search of a chase. Pulling jacks and reloading weapons fills the stale air in and out of the living room speakers with the sounds of biomechanical flesh. I immediately took a step back from writing the last sentence.

When you take off a part of a pistol and put it back on, it’s as if the bones are broken. No metal on metal sound while reloading your weapon, just crushing teeth (which are used as bullets) in a gum-like chamber. Creatures and enemies seem to be in perpetual torment; There is no joy in the world of contempt, only loneliness in a labyrinth of torture.

It’s a very creepy tune, inspired by HR Giger on its rotting sleeve. The only thing that feels relatively normal is when you fire a gun, when you can really hear its power; It gives you a very, very brief sense of the normal life within the world.

According to her official gameplay trailerThe world of contempt is an industrial civilization destroyed by constant decline. There is no dialogue – his story is moved by the voices of the world. I actually like the concept because instead of trees of dialogue and stories full of monologues, Ebb Software just wants to focus on its aesthetics and in a true horror way let the creepy sounds guide and guide you. Hearing the rotting sounds of a dying world is key to seeing how things and devices work. Just listen to a two-minute clip from “The Sounds of Scorn” to get a feel for where you are.

While her world is deteriorating, it’s important to have a really strong acoustic design. Elevators are not just elevators, and things are not just things, they mostly have a pulse and they are Organisms.

Although not much is revealed about her story, I really like the feeling of being in the wild and trying to survive and navigate the areas around you. The game seems to transport you into its own disgusting world and you say “Okay have a good time”, you feel like a kid watching the family car drive off without you with hours of gameplay full of horror lurking behind you. I’m so excited to finally release this game, and I really appreciate the team behind it for taking their time to make something that is disgusting but could be awesome. Will this game be good? I hope that, if you are a fan of horror in general, it will be very good to look at it and spend some time with it.


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