DB Cooper: Where Are You?!: What To Watch If You Like Netflix

There are few unsolved mysteries like the story of D.B. Cooper, an unspeakable man who became a modern urban legend in November 1971 when he ransoms a plane before parachuting mid-flight. A bag full of cash. Cooper was never found, but countless true crime documentaries have been released over the years looking into the fateful journey and the man behind the supposed fake identity, including the 2022 Netflix series, DB Cooper: Where are you?!.

If you’ve watched the four-part documentaries about the myth and the man believed to be behind the myth and want to check out more titles that delve into the great story, you’re in luck because we’ve put together a fairly comprehensive list of impressive documentaries, documentaries, and other specials that go into detail. Cooper’s Crimes and His Legacy…

Re-enactment of DB Cooper showing off the bomb in The Mystery of DB Cooper

(Image credit: HBO)

DB Cooper (HBO Max) Mystery


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