Batman’s father has a more violent Robin than Jason Todd

DC is revisiting the Flashpoint Universe in a new series, and it has already introduced a terrifying new friend to Robin. flash point It was a series of events of 2011 which completely reset the universe, resulting in the game New 52. Barry Allen’s multiverse adventures teamed up with Thomas Wayne, who becomes Batman in place of his son, Bruce Wayne. Thomas Wayne The Dark Knight traveled to the main DCU, but ignition point after He takes readers back to his exhausted world to tell all the new tales. Fans have already seen a different version of The Joker, and now they are being welcomed by Robin who is not only related to a classic Batman villain, but also has similar violent tendencies to Jason Todd.

ignition point after #4 By Jeff Jones, Tim Sheridan Jeremy Adams, Xermáncio, Mikel Janín, Romulo Fajardo Jr. , Jordie Bellaire, and Rob Leigh present Robin: The Boy Terror. Dexter Dent is the son of Harvey Dent, aka Two-Face, and Gilda. Dexter is taken over by Thomas Wayne after Harvey’s murder and Gilda is driven to Arkham Asylum, but he has his sights set on storming Arkham to save his mother. This scheme involves infiltrating the Batcave to steal some of Thomas’ equipment, which leads to Dexter creating his own Robin costume.

Aside from being the son of Two-Face, some of Dexter’s violent tendencies can be traced back to his time as The Penguin. Dexter manages to find Gilda in Arkham, where she confesses that Martha Wayne/Flashpoint Universe’s Joker is the killer of the hour. Jason Todd is better known as the Robin who was killed by the Joker in the controversial movie Death in the Family. After his revival, Jason Todd became the Red Hood and introduced his own form of vigilance, most notably with guns. He’s since given up firearms, so perhaps Dexter Dent can claim the mantle of “Violent Robin.”

(Photo: DC Comics)

“There is a wonderful painting in ignition point after #2 Where Thomas glimpses Dexter looking out the window, the moonlight hitting his face,” CBR. “At the same time, Dexter’s shadow hits young Bruce Wayne’s face in a close-up. I think that’s where we begin in terms of how we see Thomas Dexter. He sees a kid that reminds him, in many ways, of a lot of Bruce, but doesn’t fully understand his relationship to that kid. So far. He still has a lot of stuff to deal with, but that definitely pushes some buttons for Thomas.”

He added, “Young Dexter has his own story and agenda. We’ve all seen the long and wonderful history between Batman and other lost youths. I don’t want to give away too much, but I think you can see the ideas we play with and how they relate to the history of Batman’s legacy. Let’s leave it at that.” limit now.”

Be sure to tell us what you think of Dexter Dent and ignition point after In the comments!



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