Is the new Pokemon Pokemon Scarlett and Violet related to the legend of the mascot?

pokemon scarlet and violet The new Pokemon looks incredibly similar to the premium game Pokemon. Last weekend, The Pokemon Company officially revealed Cyclizar, a new Dragon/Normal Pokemon appearing in the Paldea region. The Cyclizar is known as the “Mount Pokemon” and is practiced by many Paldea residents to travel through the region. Pokemon have apparently been part of the Paldea region since “antiquity” with a body optimized for running at high speeds. As its name suggests, the Cyclizar also resembles a motorcycle or bicycle, with a round, wheel-like protrusion protruding from its chest and a rounded tail resembling a second wheel. When paired with the handlebars and feet that many riders put on the Cyclizar (shown in the photo below), the Cyclizar definitely appears to be a bike that has been given the look of a Pokemon.

pokemon scarlet violet screentshot-2.jpg
(Photo: Pokemon)

Of course, Cylcizar isn’t the only bike-like Pokemon in the Paldea region. The legendary mascot Pokemon Koraidon and Miraidon also resemble bicycles and can also be swept by player characters to roam the Paldea area. So, one of the big questions on everyone’s mind is how the two Legendary Pokemon relate to the new and supposedly more popular Pokemon.

One of the big themes in pokemon scarlet and violet It appears to be “the past” and “the future”. Koraidon is likely an earlier ancestor of Cyclizar, while Miraidon is a kind of future descendant. After all, we’ve seen regional variants of Pokémon appear in other games (representing the real-world effect that different environments have on animals that evolve over time), so why not show how Pokémon “evolve” over thousands or even millions of years?

with pokemon scarlet and violet In just a few months, we’re sure to get more information (and hopefully some answers) about the new Pokémon in the Baldia region. The new games will be released on November 18 for the Nintendo Switch.



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