Callisto protocol developer shares more details about PUBG connection outage

Callisto Procotool The creators of Striking Distance Studios confirmed back in May that their new horror game won’t be related to reality PUBG: Battlegrounds Having said in 2020, the two games will be somewhat related. Although we haven’t heard much about how this connection was implemented and what we would have seen in it Callisto Protocol to bridge it with pubg Universe, we have now learned more about why the planned connection was cancelled.

Talking to PC games As part of Gamescom’s actions, Mark James, Chief Technology Officer of Striking Distance, addressed the topic of pubg connection said that Callisto Protocol It becomes more and more difficult to tell the story of the game as it continues to be associated with it pubg. The studio approached Krafton, publisher Callisto Protocol The developer and publisher of pubgand I got to go ahead and drop the connection if I felt that was the best for the game.

“We looked at the two universes, and we found that there were a good 400 years between them,” James said. “It started to get really big – the connection was going to take away from the world of Callisto. It’s becoming very difficult to tell our story and we’re still making that connection. So we were like, ‘We have one game to create this kind of Universe, and we hope to take it forward as a franchise. , so we talked to Krafton and said “We don’t want to make this part of the PUBG world anymore.” And they basically said if you think that’s the right decision for the game, you don’t have to do it.”

Share similar comments in a previous interview with detective gameCEO of Striking Distance Studios and Callisto Protocol Game director Glenn Schofield said the game was “oversized” pubg Connection. interviewed Steve Baboutsis, the chief development officer who works on it Callisto Protocolback in June, and while no information has been provided about where this is pubg The connection could have ended, Papoutsis provided some interesting insights into things like the game’s melee combat system as well as the idea of ​​a more chatty hero.



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