Remains of an ancient Roman tower discovered in Hadrian’s Wall in England –

Archaeologists have discovered the remains of a tower from Hadrian’s Wall during construction work on student accommodation in Osborne, near Newcastle, England.

Hadrian’s Wall was a defensive fortress that stretched 73 miles across Roman Britain. Sixteen stone forts were built every 1,000 steps, with 80 millicassels, towers and 6 supply forts in the middle. Construction along Stanegate Road began in AD 122 and took seven years to complete.

The tower is the only known example of its kind found east of Newcastle. In addition, the team uncovered a trench in the wall and six earthen pits. The discoveries were announced on Wednesday in press release By Pre-Construct Archeology.

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Archeology website

Tower 3A, as the structure is now known, is approximately 39 feet tall, with foundations up to 8 feet tall.

No mud or surface remains have been found within the structure, and archaeologists have said this loss may have resulted from construction or settlement work undertaken during the 19th or 20th century. However, they found one part of a file tegulaIt is a slab used by the Romans in the roofing between the foundations of the northern wall.

Six shallow pits inscribed within the berm, the area between the wall and the wall trench, would still be held sippyor sharpening branches.

Scott Vance, director of the discovery site, said the discovery “demonstrated the potential for important archaeological remains related to Hadrian’s Wall that could survive in the more urbanized areas of Tyneside.”

The proposed student accommodation will be designed around the tower, which will be preserved.


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