Assassin’s Creed series will get bigger gaps between editions, says Ubisoft

Ubisoft is slowing down its release rate for Assassin’s Creed games in the future. next assassin’s creed 2A huge success, Ubisoft decided that the series would have to be released annually as Call of Duty going forward. Shockingly, this actually worked well for a while and resulted in a compelling trilogy starring Ezio and Desmond Miles’ story finale in assassin’s creed 3. Ubisoft pumped a new entry into the series from 2009 to 2015 before pumping the brakes after some subsequent entries received mixed reviews and saw sales decline. Ubisoft then moved on to release a new game every two years and fill the void with DLC, something that has also continued to do well for the publisher since, but things are changing again.

Ubisoft confirmed this Assassin’s Creed Mirage It will be released in 2023, which means it will mark the longest gap between entries the series has seen so far as it will be three years since then. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. in Interview published on UbisoftThe series’ executive producer, Marc-Alexis Côté, said this was intentional. Ubisoft announced all the upcoming Assassin’s Creed games too long ago during the Ubisoft Forward event because they want to gauge the feedback from fans and incorporate it into game development. The team is also taking more time to create the games so it can build more on the back of the previous entries.

“We are also changing our development model to make it more sustainable for our teams, as we previously used to average about three years per development cycle in Assassin’s Creed,” says Côté. “So we’re moving into longer development cycles to make it more sustainable from a human and technological point of view, so we can really build on each other’s shoulders and then support our games for a longer period of time.”

As of now, it remains to be seen how long we will wait for the newly announced titles Assassin’s Creed Codename Red And the Assassin’s Creed Codename Hexe. Since they don’t have proper names, and we’ve hardly seen anything from any game, it seems like they’re a long way off. As for how different they are from each other, Ubisoft has already announced that they are planning this hicks To be completely different from both red And other games in the franchise.

What do you think about Ubisoft taking longer to develop Assassin’s Creed games? Let me know in the comments or hit me up TwitterCade_Onder.



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