Overwatch 2 reveals competitive changes

Monitor 2 With just under a week left, Blizzard has revealed details about the changes to competitive play in a new blog post. As it was revealed earlier this week, Overwatch newcomers will not have access to competitive play from the start; Instead, they will be required to compete in 50 Quick Play matches before the option is unlocked. However, this isn’t the only change Blizzard is making to the game’s competitive landscape. It should be noted that changes are being made to the UI, SR, rewards, skill dips, and much more.

One of the biggest changes in competitive play is the removal of the SR scale. in Monitor 2SR will be replaced by skill level sections. Levels will range from Bronze level to Grand Master, and each level will include five divisions. According to Blizzard, “Level divisions represent the same skill levels as SR, but they give players a high-level view of where they are positioned in a competitive game. Each division represents a roughly 100 SR range.” The company wants players to feel less pressure when they lose a single match, so players won’t get updates after each one. Instead, updates will be provided after every seventh win, or after every twenty loss.

Players who have been out of play for a while “will find their internal matchmaking rating is low to help us reassess and level their current skill level.” Blizzard will raise or lower this rating more quickly, so players can expect to get back to normal without waiting too long.

During sessions, players will be able to see game reports, which detail specifics about the player’s overall performance. This section will display replays and highlights, and players will be able to find details on how they performed with each individual character. These reports will reset after each play session, but Blizzard plans to tweak this in a future update.

There are a lot of changes to the competitive play, but these are some of the most important highlights. Readers interested in learning more can check out Blizzard’s blog post over here. It will be interesting to see how fans react to these competitive changes once they check it out for themselves! Fortunately, they don’t have long to wait Monitor 2 Set to release on October 4th on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S and PC.

Are you looking forward to release Monitor 2? What do you think of these changes? Tell us in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at Tweet embed To talk about all things gaming!



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