Mila Kunis shares family secrets, they don’t shower daily and keep bathroom doors open

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis made huge headlines when they announced they were getting back together, and ever since.

No locked doors

Now they have two children a 7-year-old daughter Wyatt, and a 5-year-old son, Dmitriy, and they have a very strange house code, there are no closed doors, even in the bathroom.

The doors are always open

In an effort to have a transparent relationship as a family, they both made a pact to keep doors open throughout the house, as Mila told E News, “Doors are always open, and there No closed doors. “

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She never thought she could use the bathroom with the door open

“For better or worse, as a family, bodily function embodies as very standard,” Mila explained. “I never thought I’d be the one who was able to go to the bathroom with the door open,” he continued, but when living with Ashton Wyatt and Dimitrihe changed, “It doesn’t matter if I shut it down. It didn’t make a difference.”

The actress shared some thoughts regarding the condition of her shower

Mila Kunis It was detailed by saying that they don’t bathe their kids regularly and that they have a standard of “if you can see dirt on them, clean it up, otherwise it’s no use, I didn’t have hot water as a kid, so I didn’t shower much anyway.”

Mila Kunis washes daily and rarely showers

However, there she keeps it clean in the private areas,”I wash my armpits and crotch dailyAnd nothing else at all. I got a Lever 2000 bar that delivers every time. … I have a tendency to throw some water on my face after a workout to get rid of all the salts,”



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