Rhaenyra’s betrayal constitutes the set of the most horrific death scenes

The last episode of Game of thrones prefix Dragon House Leap appears again, which offers new insight into the Battle of the Iron Throne, as Vaemond Velaryon sheds some expert insight into the conflict between Rhaenyra Targaryen and Queen Alicent. As we head toward the season finale and the final reveal of the paternity of Rhaenyra’s children, all while under intense scrutiny from Lenore’s uncle, the stage is set for some truly shocking final moments before the season concludes. New episodes of Dragon House To air on Sundays on HBO.

As was widely believed even before the series began, the children of Rhinera Targaryen were actually born by Sir Harwin Strong. Although Ser Strong and his father, who acted as King’s Hand, were eventually killed in an unmysterious fire case in the previous episode, the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros never stopped whispering about Rhinera’s children. And when one of them is named heir to the Driftmark, one of the powerful members of House Velaryon is not happy to be ignored.

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(Photo: HBO)

Who is Faymond Philaerion?

While Corlys Velaryon rules Driftmark headquarters and is known on the battlefield (and oceans) as Sea Snake, his younger brother Vaemond serves as part of his council. But as the second born, he has no claim to the Driftmark seat when Corlys suffers a serious injury in battle. Of course that doesn’t stop him, given that the only known sons of Corliss’ heir Lenore could be villains, and the episode sees him solicit a claim to become the new Driftmark master.

This causes a power play for Queen Aliscent and her father, Otto Heitor, who becomes the King’s hand once again. With Viserys Targaryen’s health deteriorating and on his actual deathbed, Alicent and Otto were ruling Westeros and strategically trying to get Rhaenyra out of the picture to rule the kingdoms as the king intended. Weimond intends to question the legality of paternity of Rhinera’s children. He declares that he wants his dynasty to continue as the legitimate rulers of the Driftmark, and the sons of Rhaenyra have no real claim.

Will Faymond Philaerion die?

After a late-night appeal from Rhaenyra to her father, Viserys shockingly appeared in the petition to reject Vaemond’s claim, disrupt Alicent and Otto’s plans and make a grand offer to support Rhaenyra; It rules that her son Lucerys Velaryon is still supposed to claim the Driftmark seat as intended by Sea Snake and Vaemond’s brother, Corlys Velaryon. This, of course, does not align well with Weymond, but his actions to follow are a bit puzzling.

There at court, Weimond accuses both of Rainera’s sons of being bastards and calls the princess a whore, all the while telling the King that he cannot decide the fate of his ancestral house. But immediately after Viserys – by a painful decree – calls Vaemond’s tongue for his transgressions, Daemon defends his wife’s honor and beheads Vaemond.

How does Faymond’s death affect the dance of dragons?

This execution quickly speeds up the inevitable struggle for the Iron Throne, as Viserys’ support for Rinera forces Otto and Aliscent to reconsider their strategy to scold Rhinera’s claim to be queen. Although there was a moment of calm between the two sides, it didn’t prevent anything from exploding with dragon fire.

But she also makes sure that Rhaenyra has allies in the next war, as she reaffirms her son’s claim to be the heir to the Driftmark. This means nothing about the health of Corliss, who is presumably dying when the episode occurs. But what if he survived? Which side will he take in the dragon dance?

We’ll find out Dragon House The broadcast continues with new episodes every Sunday on HBO and HBO Max.



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