The best Indonesia VPN 2022

Traveling to or living in any part of Indonesia? You’ll be wanting a working Indonesia VPN to get around the Ministerial Regulation 5 (MR5) and ensure you can access all online services while in the country. With the best VPN, you can spoof your phone, tablet, computer, or other device into thinking you’re elsewhere and bypass Indonesia’s latest moves into regulating the internet, with recent blocks including PayPal, Yahoo, and Steam.

Implemented by the Ministry of Communications and Technology (otherwise known as Kominfo) in November 2020, the MR5 enacted legislation that requires electronic services like social media sites, search engine providers, and messaging apps to register with Kominfo and give access to all systems and data. They must also respond promptly to issued takedown notices within four hours, and ensure content meets its requirements, including not “[disturbing] the community or public order.”


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