Climate activists pour mud on replica mummy dish in Spanish Museum –

Climate activists with Spain’s Futuro Vegetal group targeted a copy of the mummy of the Egyptian Museum in Barcelona this weekend in protest of the COP27 climate conference, now taking place in Egypt.

Activists poured sticky red and brown—representing blood and oil, respectively—on a display case covering the mummy’s version. The liquid was contained inside Coca-Cola bottles.

They also carried a sign reading COPca-Cola in the soda company’s iconic font. Activists wanted to point out the fact that Coca-Cola, and The biggest plastic polluter in the worldmain sponsor of the Climate Summit.

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The exterior of a museum building is a mixture of gray building, white building and tiled building.

Futuro Vegetal wrote in one of his articles: “We will no longer stand that governments are washing their reputations in climate summits, deceiving their voters without taking real measures.” Twitter share. “As the United Nations predicts a 2.5°C rise, our political leaders are sitting together for the 27th time, at a table paid for by Coca-Cola, a company engaged in ecocide.”

Protesters point to a UN report Released in late October, it found there was “no viable path” to staying below 1.5°C of global warming, which 195 countries agreed on as the absolute limit of livable change during 2015 Paris Agreement talks. United now that we are on track to change 2.4°C to 2.6°C unless there is a 45 percent reduction in emissions, which is technically feasible but unlikely for political reasons.

Futuro Vegetal also targeted paintings by Goya earlier in November.

The Egyptian Museum in Spain was unhappy with the protest.

“The Egyptian Museum in Barcelona strongly condemns the acts of vandalism that were exposed to the rooms of the museum this weekend,” wrote on Twitter. “Museum organizations are platforms for scholarly publication, spaces for critical thinking, organizations dedicated to protecting cultural and natural heritage, and aligned and committed to combating climate change.”

As museums have come to anticipate climate protests targeting the arts, interceptions, arrests, and sentencing have become more common. Recently, more than 90 museums signed a letter condemning the actions of environmental activists, saying the protesters “severely underestimate the fragility” of the artworks they target. However, so far, none of the paintings or works that have been targeted have been damaged.


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