I did 50 hamstring stretches a day for a week – and the results surprised me

As a fitness editor, there’s nothing I love more than a weird and wonderful workout challenge. than try 50 walking boards per day for a weekto me Walk 10,000 steps a day for a monthWell, I’ve tried everything. Next on my list was hamstring curls, so I decided to add 50 to my routine for a week — read on to see what happened.

A simple hamstring wrap targets the muscles in the back of the thigh, including the semimembranosus and the biceps femoris, which make up the hamstrings. These muscles work together to allow you to bend at the knee and move your thigh—critical for walking and running. Hamstring curl, or leg curl, is a simple exercise that involves bending your knees and moving your heels toward your butt while keeping the rest of your body still. It’s usually performed on a leg curl machine, but there are a number of alternatives you can do without going to the gym.


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