James Cameron applauds yet again an unfavorable comparison between Marvel and Avatar

Hard to believe considering how long we’ve waited, but a second symbol picture The movie is only two weeks away. In terms of expectations Avatar: Water Road Quite high, considering the origin symbol picture It is the highest-grossing movie of all time. However, there is also a feeling for it symbol picture They are no longer culturally relevant in the way that, say, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is today. Not surprisingly, James Cameron has no time for this talk.

It’s a comment that has been made more than once over the years symbol picture It may be the king of the box office, it just hasn’t had the staying power from a cultural standpoint like other blockbusters. James Cameron acknowledges this all too well THR He knows what people are saying about his franchise. He is well aware that not everyone believes in him symbol picturesaying …

There’s skepticism in the market about, “Oh, did it have any real cultural impact?” Can anyone remember the names of the characters?


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