Wednesday star Gina Ortega supports this fan-favorite relationship

Wednesday Star Jenna Ortega has some relationship support for one fan favorite. The Netflix favorite has been completely smashed onto the platform since its launch. However, if there is one criticism to Wednesday, it was that Wenclair is nothing. For those of you who aren’t as online as some of this fanbase, this will be Wednesday’s pairing with Enid Sinclair. The character of Emma Myers is Ortega’s on-screen co-worker, and some of the show’s promotion seems to be leaning towards the idea of ​​the two being involved. Pride spoke with the actress at an event and confirmed her support for the pairing. There was also a measure of irony over the circumstances that would have prevented this from happening on screen. Check out what Netflix Life I managed to capture below!

Ortega said, “In a perfect world, it would have been a thing.” to which Myers chirped, “And they were roommates.” (You know, this is a reference to Vine about the way women throughout history are talked about when the topic of lesbianism or female friendship is broached.) So, the stars are clearly in on the joke, but it remains to be seen if the creative team will do anything about it. .

What’s new in the second season?

Since the first season was so successful for Netflix, the chances of a second season are extremely high. Speaking to TVLine, show runners Al Gough and Miles Millar aim for a multi-season arc Wednesday. Things will only get more complicated as time progresses in Nevermore.

“The series is about a girl who sees the world in black and white, and learns that there are shades of grey,” Gough recalled. “I think like any relationship or any friendship, it can get complicated by other factors. It’s never smooth sailing. It’s really her learning to get through the ups and downs of friendship.”

Here’s the series description for Season 1: “The upcoming eight-episode series is a darkly dark, supernatural mystery series that charts Wednesday’s years as a student at the bizarre Nevermore Academy. Wednesday’s attempts to master her budding psychic ability, and thwart the brutal killing spree that lead to to terrorize the local town, and solve the supernatural mystery that has troubled her parents 25 years ago–all while navigating her new and deeply intertwined relationships from the strange and diverse student body.”

Are you disappointed with this ship? Let us know below in the comments!



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