What is Wordle’s answer today? #595 Hints and Tips for Saturday, February 4th

We’ll help you figure out this Saturday’s Wordle puzzle yourself.

Word of the day may be hard enough to make you look for hints. While the gist of the word is very simple and commonly used, the form it has taken in today’s puzzle makes it challenging. This particular form we’re talking about is actually an adjective, but it’s kind of the adjective merged from the verb form. I know it sounds complicated, but the answer is not that hard.

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Speaking of letter structure, the word doesn’t have any difficult part or a rarely used letter, but you should vary your guesses for the word’s initial letter, though we’ll help you with that.


Wordle Hints and Tips for Saturday, February 4th

The word day refers to a state of lack of light or fire. Imagine that you are in a dark street where the lights have been turned off. Perhaps the best way to describe it would be to incorporate the word “light”. This is the biggest clue to solving today’s puzzle. So, make sure you think about it deeply. In some cases, the word of the day refers to the lack of fire or burning in an object such as a cigarette or candle.

Moving on to the structure of the letters, the word of the day begins with the letter “U” and ends with the letter “T”. It is characterized by two vowels in general. Each of the three missing letters is placed in a separate row on the keyboard, but the vowel is in the top row. Also, the word does not contain any repeated letters.

This should be enough for you to know the word of the day. Start taking your chances and make sure you avoid reading the next paragraph while you still have chances.

What is Wordle’s answer today? (Saturday, February 4)

The answer to today’s Wordle riddle is “UNLIT“.

If you take the verb “light,” then make it negative, and finally find the past participle, you get to the word of the day. Of course, it’s a complicated path, but the above hints should give you enough clues to figure it out.

Anyway, that’s it for today. We’ll be back tomorrow with new hints for the next Wordle puzzle.

the next: Hi-Fi Rush: How to Beat the QA-1MIL


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