Someone made a T-1000 in real life (sort of)

With the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, most of us joked about the rise of SkyNet very long before it ever did. As it turns out, part of finisher The franchise may already be here. Last month, a group of scientists revealed that they had managed to create a “liquid metal” robot reminiscent of Terminator 2T-100 villain played by Robert Patrick.

Using magnetic fields to control the “robot” machines, which are small enough to be a miniature LEGO figure, the researchers shared a video in which they were able to move the figure through a cage due to its flexibility.

Researcher Karmel Majidi said in an interview with Vice. “In parallel, my group has pioneered several technologies that use liquid metals such as gallium that have a very low melting point.”

He added: “This is one of the attempts to combine these two approaches and just see what happens when you start to mix these two approaches together. The hope was for a ‘best of both worlds’ scenario where we could take advantage of the high electrical conductivity and phase-shifting capabilities of gallium metal with the magnetic response of microparticle systems. magnetism.”

So yeah…a copy of the T-100 is here and all it takes is a little gallium, some magnetic microparticles, and a cage stuck inside a magnetic field.

“When you have a metal in the presence of an alternating magnetic field, we only know from basic principles of electromagnetism that it basically causes an electric current to flow spontaneously through that metal,” the researcher explained. “It is the spontaneous electric current that heats the metal and causes it to melt.”

The researchers hope that the new technology will have many uses in various industries including biomedicine, where it can be used to help deliver drugs to specific organs.

“I couldn’t have imagined that there were so many different responses and capabilities to these materials systems. This has emerged as really surprising and exciting also about these materials,” Magdy concluded.

You can see the bot in action here.


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