Warzone 2 DMZ: Hideout Preparation Guide

The vast majority of faction missions in the Warzone 2 DMZ will have players searching for certain items, but only a few will require you to move them to a main area of ​​interest. The Helping Hand is one such mission that tasked you with placing three items in a specific location, which is at the back of the Enfer store. Hideout setup A Helping Hand follows suit, but this time you’ll have to find three different items and place them inside the explosives chamber in the smuggling tunnels.


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Setting up the lair is a level 3 quest for the White Lotus Faction. The tasks of this mission are for the players Put a water bottleAnd a emergency ration packageAnd And one bandage in the smuggling tunnels within the same publication. Upon completion, you will be rewarded with 556 Icarus for your smuggled weapon stock, plus 10,000 XP.

Find 1 water bottle

Find a water bottle to complete the Hideout Preparation quest in Warzone 2 DMZ

The first item you will need to collect is Distilled water, which shouldn’t be hard to find. This item can be in general Found inside refrigerators, which are located in almost any residential building within the farm. Water can also be purified Found on grocery store shelves – Most of them are located near a gas station – and Medical cabinets.

Create one package for emergency rations

Find an emergency ration pack to complete Hideout Preparation in Warzone 2 DMZ

The second item that you will need to find is one emergency ration package. Emergency rations can be found in many of the same locations as Clear Water, particularly in Refrigerators, groceries and medicine cabinets. They can be found in hospitals It is spread around the farm, which is easy to see because of its blue colour. Emergency rations can also be found inside regular supply boxes, but the chances of finding them this way are very slim.

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Find 1 bandage

Find a bandage to complete the Hideout Preparation mission in Warzone 2 DMZ

The last item you will need to find is one bandagean item that could be common in medical cabinets. While they can also be found inside almost any building on the farm, the The best place to find bandages is in hospitals. This is due to the abundance of medical cabinets located in these locations. You may also come across bandages on shelves and hospital beds in these buildings. The second best place to find a bandage is at Medical tents all over the farm – With the main areas of interest being Rohan Oil and the area west of the farm town.

He placed 1 water bottle, 1 emergency supply pack, and 1 bandage in the smuggling tunnels

Locate the Smuggling Tunnels for the Smuggling Tunnels Faction mission in Warzone 2 DMZ

Now that you have all 3 items you will need this Put them in smuggling tunnels All in the same posting. Those who have completed the Faction Mission: Smuggling Tunnels should be familiar with this area of ​​interest. Smuggling tunnels Underground stronghold covers a wide area between Ruhan oil and farm city, and can be It is located above Al Zarqawah for hydroelectric power. There are a few entrances to the smuggling tunnels, all of which require a Keycard stronghold to reach. The most direct way to go is by building the main stronghold, which contains a ladder leading to the tunnels.

Where to place a bottle of water, bandage, and emergency ration pack for Hideout Preparation in Warzone 2 DMZ

Once in the tunnels, you will come across quite a few Qatalar soldiers, some of whom use riot shields. Make sure to take out any AI fighters in this area to avoid getting shot in the back while completing this mission. Once this is done, you will need to store the three items in a file The left side of the room is used to make explosivesthat It is located directly below the train tracks. Place each item under the explosive barrels to complete all three stages of the Hideaway Preparation Faction mission.

Next: Warzone 2 DMZ: How to complete an untraceable operation


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