Warzone 2 DMZ: Finder’s Guide

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Looting and extracting bits of important information and documents seems to be a common objective of faction missions in the Warzone 2 DMZ. Hacking, Muddy Waters, and Intel Exchange are just some of the tasks that made you do exactly that. This is also the case with I discovereda mission that sees players searching for a folder containing key information on an elite quarry.

Related: Warzone 2 DMZ: How to Complete the Missing Person

Unearthed is a Level 3 quest for the White Lotus faction, and it is one of the 6 quests required to unlock the Level 3 Story Mission: Nowhere to Hide. To complete Unearthed, you must achieve three main goals: Obtaining the key to the crane control room at Al-Safwa QuarryAnd Open the crane control roomAnd Extract the quarry operations folder found inside. Doing so will reward you with a double XP token and 10,000 XP.

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Find the key to the crane control room and unlock it

Crane control room key

The first part of the discovered faction will cost you Get the crane control room key, which is rewarded to you upon completing the Black Mouse Tier 3: Quick and Dirty mission. If you haven’t completed this task yet, or you don’t have the Crane Control Room Key, you can still get it under Farm Deployment. Keys can be found inside supply caches Such as duffel bags, lockers, and supply boxes. However, eliminating HVTs is one of the best ways to breed switches, as a coil HVT will always drop a random key whenever they kill.

Where to find the crane control room in the elite quarry

Getting the key to the Crane’s control room will complete the first stage of this mission, but to complete the second you will have to Open the crane control room Not necessarily in the same publication. This could be an area of ​​interest It is found on the north side of the Al-Safwa quarrynext to a warehouse building.

Finding and extracting the quarry operations file from the crane control room at Al Safwa Quarry

Now that you’ve unlocked the Crane’s control room, you’ll need this Loot the quarry operations folder from the inside. You can find the item Lying in front of the control panel right next to the back entrance. All that is left now is exfil successfully with the quarry operations folder To complete the Unearthed quest.

The Quarry Operations folder can only be looted by one player at a time. If you find that this item has already been captured, and you can’t track down and eliminate the player who’s holding it, you may have to try again on a separate deployment.

Next: Warzone 2 DMZ: How to Complete A No Hideaway


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