Diablo 4: Fame Explained

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Diablo 4 has an open world with many collectibles that can be found in each area. These include Altars of Lilith, side quests, and special stronghold locations. Connected to this is a new menu where players can keep track of their fame.

Related: Diablo 4: Lilith Altars locations in the Broken Peaks

While Renown has some nice bonuses behind it, the game doesn’t really explain this stat very well. Our guide is here to fill in the gaps in player knowledge on how to get fame, how to unlock the last two levels, and how to track your progress.

What is fame?

Question mark with a witch shrug

Fame is the statistic that lets a player know how close they are to completing an area. A total of 2,000 points are required to complete stages 1-5, with each area having at least that much needed to be captured. Most regions have a bit more fame to claim (for example, Broken Peaks has 2,495 total fame points).

Reaching fame stages in a region will result in account level rewards such as:

  • Increase the dose charge
  • ability points
  • Obol capacity increased
  • Paragon Points

Your character’s fame is unlocked, allowing you to start over with each playthrough. You will receive the above rewards for completing one category only. tIt rewards gold and experience Maybe Received several times.

Related: Diablo 4: All Scosglen Stronghold locations

How to get more fame

Diablo 4 Rift Peaks collectibles

Because of the amazing boost that Renown class rewards give you, many players want to know how to get more. There are many ways to gain fame, including:

You can see your progress on these objectives in an area by opening the map and hovering over the area.

Related: Diablo 4: All coordinate locations in the Rift Peaks

Where do you see your fame?

The famous Broken Peaks page

Fame can be viewed by opening the area’s progression menu. To open this page:

  1. Open your map, and move your cursor over the area you wish to check.
  2. Look to the far right of the top banner which shows your collectible progress.
  3. Click the prompt button next to “View Rewards”. This will vary based on the system and keybindings you are using.

This screen is also where you’ll be able to collect your rewards, so check back periodically.

How to unlock the world level 4 and 5

Diablo 4 world difficulty selection screen

You will notice that the last two Fame levels for each region are locked at the start of the game. This is because they are only available at higher global levels. The minimum world level to unlock the rest of your fame progression is Nightmare (world level 3).

Unlock Nightmare by meeting the following requirements:

  1. Be at least level 50
  2. End the campaign
  3. Complete the Light Capstone Dungeon

These achievements are no joke, especially for players new to the Diablo franchise, but they are a gateway to unlocking end-game content. Once you’ve unlocked Nightmare mode, change the global difficulty you face at the central statue of each city.

Next up: Diablo 4: All coordinate locations are in Scosglen


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