Reporters use condoms to protect their microphones from Hurricane Ian

IIt’s doubtful that the person who coined the phrase “necessity or innovation” had television reporters in mind putting condoms on their lips in the middle of a hurricane, but that’s true now.

While Hurricane Ian rages over Florida, Kyla Galer from NBC Practicing safe reporting there, she proudly and delicately rolls out latex protection for her microphones while out in the field.

Kyla Galer protects her microphone with condoms during Hurricane IanTwitter

Kyla tells her viewers, “That’s what you think. It’s a condom. We can’t get those mics wet, so we have to do what we have to do.”

In the Naples area, just south of where Ian’s eye touched on Wednesday, Kyla suffers. She’s outside, along with many other TV reporters, battered by rain and wind, but a little preemptive planning can go a long way.

The weather reporter collides with a flying branch

With maximum winds of 155 mph, Hurricane Ian made landfall this afternoon in Fort Myers, Florida. weather channel It was there to cover the storm, which in turn made it the fifth largest storm to hit the mainland United States—at least in documented history.

Jim Cantor, a meteorologist, was at the epicenter to record the approach of the storm; This was a serious duty.

Cantor was broadcasting a live broadcast of the man on the street in steady winds of 61 mph, with gusts of up to 110 mph, when a tree branch thrust across the street, hitting him in the groin, and causing him to fall.

The street sign destroyed behind Cantor while he kept one for balance is further evidence of how difficult it was to stay in place, let alone stand upright, in the video.



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