Stephen King’s Survivor Genre Adaptation: The 2020 Creepshow Animated Special is an adaptation of a landmark King and a gruesome nightmare

As told in my column from the last week of November, Stephen King was one of the first people contacted by writer/director/producer/special effects legend Greg Nicotero in 2018 when he began developing creepshow Anthology series to stream on Shudder. Due to the importance of the origin creepshow A film in King’s career (the first film made based on a screenplay he wrote), Nicotero felt it necessary to use one of the author’s short stories as source material for an early episode.

King responded to the request with two suggestions, and Nicotero ended up directing an adaptation of “Gray Matter” for the first half of creepshow Series premiere. The other option that was offered was a “survivor type”, and the showrunner didn’t think it was possible to properly bring it to life with the budget available.


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