Pam Margera has broken some skateboarding bones, won’t use painkillers due to the sober of his ass

Looks like Pam Margera hasn’t had a good time in the past few years. between their expulsion ass foreverAnd The co-stars of the previous franchise are suingeven being He was dragged to a rehabilitation center by the policeMarghera has succeeded. The former professional skater is finally starting to turn things around and even recently Reached the stage of rehabilitation at way to recovery. As a testament to his dedication to his final sobriety, Margera is reported to be giving up painkillers after being hospitalized due to some broken bones he received from a ski trick.

Viewing your life is tough, especially when you’re working through an addiction. It’s easy to feel like your life is falling apart when the media is there to basically confirm it. This makes it all the more impressive and respectful that Bam Margera has now seemingly been re-dedicated to sobriety and turning things around, even turning down painkillers for a very traumatic injury.


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