You want the Top Gun sequel, not the Ghostbusters reboot

Goonies never say “remake”. fools Star Cory Feldman, who played the mouthful in the beloved 1985 Richard Donner movie, was asked if there were talks about a remake during a session at the Knoxville, Tennessee, fanboy convention. Feldman said of the remake of the classic that also starred Sean Astin, Jeff Cohen, Jonathan Ki-Hui Quan, Keri Greene, Martha Plimpton, and Josh Brolin, among others: “Let’s hope not. According to Feldman again fools He must aspire to be a sequel after decades with the original cast – more Top Gun: Maverick…

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The Lost Boys is 35 years old

One of the most famous vampire films of the twentieth century, Joel Schumacher lost childrenopened in theaters 35 years ago on July 31, 1987. In many ways, the film not only reinvented Hollywood in the face of vampires, but also carved a path for an entirely different kind of live-vampire entertainment, a path that would eventually lead to me twilightAnd the Buffy the Vampire SlayerAnd the real bloodAnd the The Vampire Diaries, and a lot. more. The movie itself was inspired by another famous vampire story, the story of Anne…

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