Fortnite: Pac-Man Collaboration Announced

Pac-Man is ready to come! It is an electronic game, it has been revealed. The Pac-Man series celebrates the 42nd anniversary of the original release of the Pac-Man arcade game, and doubts have been raised for the first time due to the official It is an electronic game Twitter account Congratulations Official Pac-Man Twitter Account. It didn’t take long to confirm those suspicions, however, as the official Japanese Pac-Man website has since explicitly stated that the two properties will have a crossover in early June. What it actually looks like…

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LEGO announces new partnership with Epic Games

LEGO announced today that it has forged a new partnership with Epic Games, the developer behind the massive battle royale game. It is an electronic game. In recent years, LEGO has shown greater initiative to work with toy companies to create different products. These collaborations featured notably between Nintendo and LEGO, which saw the release of a number of Super Mario games as a result. And while it might seem obvious for LEGO and Epic to do something about it It is an electronic game With this partnership, each company…

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