New Xbox Series X rumor gets N64 fans excited

A new rumor about the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S has N64 fans and generally nostalgic gamers excited. The N64 has some great games. Most of these games came directly from Nintendo, so it is up to Nintendo to revive and continue this different series. However, thanks to its Rare acquisition, Xbox actually has quite a few IPs from the N64 era. The most prominent example of this IP address is Banjo Kazooie, one of the most beloved series of this era, and one we haven’t seen since…

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Nintendo Switch online surprises some subscribers with the game Bonus N64

Last night, Nintendo expanded the Nintendo Switch Online library with the addition of the N64 Pokemon game. However, you didn’t need to be an expansion pack owner to claim this free N64 game, but it was only offered in North America and Europe. In Japan, subscribers did not get the free service Pokemon game, but rather a different N64 game and its sequel. In other words, where everyone got one game, Switch Online subscribers in Japan got two N64 games. The two games involved are Custom Robo and its complement…

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