AX Body Spray raises the chainsaw sound for a man with a wild cry

AX body spray accelerated with Tatsuki Fujimoto chainsaw man With one wild shout out to the manga series that has already taken off with anime fans! Fujimoto’s original manga series has been one of Shueisha’s most memorable Weekly Shonen Jump debuts in the past few years, and even though the series has ended its run for the time being, the franchise remains one of the most talked about franchises. strongly today. It is even more so because fans are eagerly awaiting the premiere of her official anime adaptation sometime in the near future, but some of these fans are definitely a surprise.

While the world keeps waiting chainsaw manAX Body Spray, the official adaptation of the cartoon, is one of the most awaited for its continuation. The brand’s official Twitter account has released a special new promotional tweet that combines its body spray with a color scheme and even references the Chainsaw Man’s biggest moments. This has definitely attracted the attention of many fans, and now fans can consider the brand as one of those who have been waiting for the new anime! Check it out below:

Maybe bring Fujimoto chainsaw manThe manga s have come to an end in a couple of years, but it’s a far cry from the end of the manga series in general. The series will return for the second part on one of Shueisha’s other platforms and will start where the manga ended. The first part of the series parodied that Denji would deal with balancing his new school life with his duties as a chainsaw guy, and the whole time he would have to watch the new Control Devil that appeared before the series’ final moments.

There will also be a brand new anime adaptation produced by Studio MAPPA, but unfortunately there hasn’t been an anime release date or specific window for the anime or Part 2 release. Both projects were previously announced to be releasing sometime this year (with the manga’s return being more obscure than That’s a little bit), but it remains to be seen whether or not we’ll see either of them before the year is out.


What is your opinion? What do you hope to see from the chainsaw guy’s future? How do you think Denji would like the AX fragrance collection? Let us know all your thoughts on this topic in the comments! You can also contact me directly about all the moving stuff and other cool stuff Valdezology on Twitter!



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