Finally the “useless” dead is recast by the effect of the daylight condition

Died in the light of day This week, the developers announced plans to bring back one of the first state effects added to the game: Bleeding. Previously, this effect caused survivors to bleed more as they were shocked by killers using certain perks or those who brought in special add-ons that made them easier to track down. In its new form that is now being tested on a PTB prior to its immediate release, the Bleeding Revamped version will instead catch survivors with a health dip so they can heal themselves.

Behavior Interactive shared the changes for Hemorrhage in the same set of test server patch notes that included a nerf for Circle of Healing, but for those who don’t prefer reading all the notes and just want to see the highlights, the developer has also posted the details on its social accounts as well. One of those tweets highlighted the bleeding change to show how it will affect survivors once it’s posted to everyone.

“New Effect: Survivors affected by the hemorrhagic state have a steady rate regression in healing progress when they are not healed,” Correction notes said.

For example, the observations went on to say that if someone had 99% of their health full and had a hemorrhagic effect, they would lose their health at 7% per second, which would take 14 seconds to completely exhaust their health barriers. This puts more pressure on the survivor to walk away and heal themselves quickly rather than just keep dodging killers while they bleed more.

The patch notes also acknowledged the perception of many players that the bleeding effect is “useless”. Behavior said it hopes this new effect will address this problem.

The patch notes said, “Bleeding has had a reputation as a ‘useless’ state effect, so we have reformulated it to have a more meaningful impact on the underlying mechanism of survivor healing.”

It’s worth noting that the above tweet uses the term “also” to describe the new effect while not using patch notes. It’s unclear from this wording whether or not the extra bleed is still in effect in this new version.

This new effect will likely cause Killers to rethink their gear to try out more creative builds. For example, Oni’s Blood Echo’s Blood Echo feature causes all other survivors to have both bleeding and grueling effects once a survivor has been hooked up which looks much more attractive after this change. Assassins who thrive using the base attack with unique bleed-inducing add-ons and perks should welcome this change as well.

The patch notes aren’t finalized until they’re finally released, so we’ll have to see if they change at all or if this is the stable release when the update rolls out for everyone.



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