1883 Yellowstone star Sam Elliott has apologized for controversial comments about dog power

Veteran actor Sam Elliott apologizes for shouting about Jane Campion dog power Made during an appearance on Marc Maron WTF Podcast Last month. The 1883 He was asked about the star who has long been known for his work in the Western genre dog power, which tells the story of a cowboy at odds with his sexuality and masculinity. Elliott called it a “piece of strangers” with “hints of homosexuality”. Now, he’s offering an apology not just for words, but for the pain those involved have caused.

On Sunday, Elliott took the stage with some of his 1883 . co-stars LimitContenders TV event before the next awards cycle. Asked if he had anything to say about his comments, he responded with his first public comments in over a month.

“I wasn’t talking very clearly about it,” Elliott said. “I didn’t talk about it very well.” β€œAnd I said some things that hurt people and I feel awful about it. The gay community has been amazing to me throughout my career. And I mean my entire career, from before I started in this city. Friends on every level Job description until today with my agent. My dear friend and my agent.” For a number of years. I’m sorry I hurt any of these friends, anyone I loved. And anyone else with the words I used.”

“As I said to What is this bullshit Podcaster I thought Jane Campion was a great director, and I want to apologize to the cast dog powerBrilliant actors all.” In particular, Benedict Cumberbatch. I can only say that I am sorry and so am I. I.”

The issue people took with the initial comments was the idea that a Western couldn’t be about a gay character. Last month, Cumberbatch addressed this idea and those comments when asked about it.

“Other than this reaction, this kind of denial that anyone can have any other existence than a heterosexual because of what they do for a living or where they are born, there is also massive intolerance within the entire world towards homosexuality and towards acceptance of the other and any kind of The difference… It’s not a history lesson,” Cumberbatch explained.

dog power Available to stream on Netflix.



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