League of Legends Wild Rift 3.1b update patch notes today (April 19)

League of Legends Wild Rift 3.1b تحديث Update It’s finally released, and fans are wondering what the full patch notes for the same.

  • more: Skeleton Knight in Another World Episode 3 Release date, time and synopsis

This is a very important update to the game as it marks the arrival of new modes, skins, and a large number of other items. Besides, there are many meta changes as well as hero and gameplay changes. Below are the full patch notes for the update.

League of Legends: Wild Rift | Announcing the trailer



League of Legends: Wild Rift | Announcing the trailer





League of Legends Wild Rift 3.1b update patch notes today (April 19)

the new

new ways

elemental rift

Elemental Rift will bring this patch back in a limited game mode! As a reminder, we will be testing different versions of Elemental Rift before they are released and what you play in this game mode may be very different from what comes in Patch 3.2. If this is your first time playing Elemental Rift, read all about it in the previous patch notes!

This version will not be n drop clouds From our first test, but it will look pretty much the same, just with a few tweaks:

  • distance first Slay the dragon, the earth will change. This should give you and your teammates unique opportunities to play earlier.
  • The team that slays two Dragons, will grant one of the powerful souls.

We loved hearing your feedback during our first test, so please let us know what this version looks like too! We’ll also be back in Patch 3.2 with a developer delving deeper into Elemental Rift.

Elemental Rift will be available to play From April 29 00:01 UTC to May 5 00:01 UTC

* Content availability varies by region


It will be released on April 28 at 00:01 UTC:

  • Marauder brand *
  • thieves graves*

* Wild Rift debut, availability varies by region


You can earn or purchase accessories from a range of different sources. Please check the relevant page in the game for more information on how to get it!

icons: Captain Fluft

Emotions: Why?; What did he want to say?

All accessories will be released throughout the patch.


Join FLUFT! (bilge water)

The Borough family have raised their sails on their way to Belgwater!

Join Fluft! The (Bilgewater) event starts on April 29th at 00:01 UTC

change hero


Previously, we intended to reduce the Blitzcrank shield as we are giving it more engagement capabilities with the updated Overdrive. Although present in the patch notes, these changes were not inadvertently included in 3.1. We’ve seen this fast golem perform without the armor dips and we don’t think it’s necessary, so we won’t implement it. We have explained below what his current base armor is.

base stats

  • shield: 50
  • Armor per level: 5.1
    • Total armor at level 15: 122


Darius was an overly dominant force in Baron Lin and was having a very easy time getting to the Noxian Might. We want him to stay in the fight a little bit longer before he hits his five combos and starts diving, so we’re cutting back the attack speed this Noxian fighter gets during his levels.

base stats

  • Attack speed per level: 2.2% → 1.2
    • Attack speed at level 15: 41% ← 27%


Fiora’s ability to make secure deals with Lunge and ignore damage with Riposte has been a source of frustration for its rival partners. To combat some of these frustrations, we’re reducing the range in the Lunge while increasing the strength of its passive to compensate.

(P) swordsman dance

  • Vital base damage: 2.5% → 3%
  • AD ratio: 4.5% per 100 AD bonus → 5.5% per 100 bonus AD

(1) dash

  • Dash range: 4 → 3.5
  • Search range: 3.5 → 3


Unfortunately As for the other Junglers, due to the huge damage to Jhin’s fourth shot, he became very good at securing and stealing targets. So, we’re putting a cap on that damage so it doesn’t overpower the knockout.

(p) whisper

  • Fourth shot missing health damage to monsters: no cover ← 1000 damage max


The new Stormrazor created some interesting building paths for Kai’sa, but it didn’t actually help her win more games. We’re giving her damage some extra consistency to make sure she can really shine in those late team battles.

(3) Supercharging

  • Cooldown: 16/15/14/13s → 16/14/12/10s


Lucien performed poorly and his current determination and playing style centers around his mechanized attacks rather than his abilities. So, we give him a small raise geared towards his smarter structures.

(1) piercing light

  • Cooldown: 9/8/7/6s → 8/7/6/5s

Master Yi

Despite the recent extinctions, Mr. Yi still dominates the forest. To reduce his ability to penetrate jungle camps and dash his opponents quickly during duels, we are lowering some of the attack damage granted by Alpha Strike.

(1) Alpha Strike

  • Basic damage: 25/70/115/160 → 30/70/110/150
  • AD ratio: 100% attack damage → 60% attack damage


Previously, we reduced the damage to Olaf’s reckless swing but didn’t adjust its cost properly. Since the cost is intended to be 30% of the damage, we’re correcting that now.

(3) reckless swing

  • Health cost: 21/39/57/75 + 15% AD → 18/36/54/72 + 15% m
    • Since there is a 30% relationship between damage and cost


While Rakan excels in coordinated play, especially when paired with his other half Xayah, it does poorly for most players. We’re giving him a big mana boost so it’s less of a punishment to cast some extra spells.

base stats

  • Mana per level: 41 ← 57
    • Mana at level 15: 1009 → 1233


Sett is currently one of the most dominant fighter heroes, so we’re taking back some of his early to mid-game strength to make him more closely aligned with the other Baron Laners.

(P) grit hole

  • Regeneration: 0.5 / 0.9 / 1.4 / 2 → 0.25/0.5/1/2

(1) Hinge down

  • Basic damage: 10/25/40/55 → 5/20/35/50


We have been keeping a close eye on this lovable cat and she is still struggling with success. We give her more opportunities to use her passivity and pounce on her opponents.

(P) Bob ‘n’ Block

  • Shield: 60 + (22 x lvl) + 30% AP → 60 + (25 × lvl) + 35% AP
  • Mana recovery: 20 + (5 x lvl) + 12% max mana → 20 + (5 x lvl) + 15% max mana

(1) projectile raft

  • Cooldown: 12/10.5/9/7.5/6s → 9/8/7/6/5s
  • Mana: 70 – 50

Gameplay Changes


hijab banshee

Banshee’s veil suits the power item’s anti-magical damage well, but it’s still on the weak side. We subtract the stats in order to make it more attractive, even if the enemy team doesn’t have a lot of magical damage threats.


  • Capacity Capacity: 70 → 75
  • Accelerate ability: 10 → 15


Active Hextech Megadrive can create great moments and play for heroes like Morgana and Alistar. Aside from the active ingredient, this one can give heroes a nice power-up in the early game, but at the moment it doesn’t really hit that mark. Therefore, we are working to reduce its cost so that you can disable it earlier.


  • Total cost: 2700 grams → 2550 grams
  • Total cost: 650 g → 500 g

Yurim fist

Jaurim’s Fist is currently being built into a set of elements primarily geared toward aggressive play, so we’re updating its build path to benefit players who prefer a more aggressive start.

track combination

  • Crystal Ruby + 700gm → Longsword + 700g
    • Stats and total price without change.

death reminder

Compared to its counterpart, Serylda’s Grudge, Mortal Reminder performs poorly due to the more specialized nature of its severe wounds. To make it the more obvious damage option of the two items, we’re increasing the attack damage it deals.


Trinity power

Black Cleaver and Divine Sunderer have both grown in popularity with the game’s early purchases, so we’re giving Trinity Force some additional stats to help them compete.


  • Attack damage: 20 ← 25
  • Health: 200 – 250


Since decreasing strength to momentum, Youmuu’s Ghostblade didn’t function like other serrated items. We are adding some additional stats to help this item out.


  • Armor penetration: 12 ← 15th
  • Accelerate ability: 10 → 15


scotler crack

For most of the Wild Rift’s life, the jungle meta has been about the Rift Scuttler and the massive thrust provided by securing one or both of these harmless creatures makes it an obvious camp for early jungle folks. To reduce the overall value of securing these Crabs, we are decreasing the experience they give. This should allow the bush to focus on their own camps rather than just digging tunnels on this neutral target.

  • Awarded Experience: 2000 ← 1200


April 21 – April 27: Darius, Katarina, Morgana, Olaf, Soraka, Twisted Fate, Vayne, Wukong, Xayah, Xin Zhao

April 28 – May 5: Akali, Corki, Gragas, Irelia, Nami, Shyvana, Teemo, Thresh, Varus, Zed


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