The Price Is Right Host Drew Carey shares bold predictions for the show’s future after winning the award

There are some gaming software that stand the test of time. wheel of fortune Cause people to scream on their TV screens (and Contestants for their awful guesses) since 1975, while general knowledge has never been more exciting than the day Danger!that have captured the airwaves since 1964, and between those years, The price is right He took the mundane knowledge of retail prices and turned it into an exciting phenomenon for decades. So how long will it take before the big wheel spins into the sunset? As far as host Drew Carey is concerned, he doesn’t think he will be any time soon.

Issuance The price is right What we know today was that it premiered in 1972 and was a staple on CBS for the past 50 years, but even before that, a version of the game aired from 1956 to 1965. While accepting an award at an NAB show (National Association of Broadcasters) ), Drew Carey discussed the future of the series, predicting that the game show would have a storage life longer than anything in the show that contestants are asked to guess its price. said to each Limit:

[The show] It could be around for 100 years on American TV, because it’s that strong. . . . [It] He was able to adapt to the times, change and grow. It is very humbling to be a part of this legacy.


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