DC’s Green Lantern writer wanted to make Hal Jordan Pansexual

No one has ever accused Grant Morrison of running out of ideas or not thinking about anything along the way, and the writer has turned a big stone on something they had planned in the pages of Green Lantern’s run that never happened. as you noticed cold bleedingMorrison Latest Newsletter/ annotations Green Lantern season two They shared their feelings about Hal Jordan’s sexuality with the writer adding: “Nurse Lilo Olakwa was introduced in Season 1 #2 but here we learn that she and Jordan have a romantic history. I wanted to suggest a boho lothario like Hal Jordan with a whole world of will tend worlds at his disposal. toward persuading the pansexual…”

Continuing with this thought, Morrison added that this could have been explored in the chain had poor sales and a planned 5G event (later canceled by DC) had not forced the chain into the short term. They added, “This was one of the few stories I had planned from the start for a potential 2 season and as the title suggests it began as a mysterious attack on the District 13 countryside. Getting here seemed like a major milestone on the way to getting through what is now more like a war of attrition, with sales disappointing and shocking lack of serious engagement on the part of general comics readers.”

(Photo: DC Comics)

Morrison went into detail in their newsletter about how to make plans the green Lantern She was cut short due to events beyond their control, but also revealed that this ended up looking like a “frustrated vote of no confidence in the work” that he and artist collaborator Liam Sharpe were working on. They wrote: “5G suffered a final setback when DC publisher Dan Didio left the company in 2020, but plans were in place to retire Hal Jordan in favor of a more diverse human member of the Green Lantern Corps. Update — but I wish we could have waited until we were done …We did our best to give the character some dignity and power. It now looks like we might be writing his swan song.”

In the end they were right. conclusion Green Lantern season two end sign the green Lantern As a solo comedian with DC he simply re-launched the title as “Green Lantern” and made it a team title. Although Hal Jordan has appeared, it’s unclear if the possibility of exploring his sexuality has been touched upon, but he is no longer as front-runner in the title as fellow Lanterns Jon Stewart, Simon Paz, Joe Mullen, and Kelly Quintella (Teen Lantern).



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