HBO Max just got three great horror movies

It’s not uncommon for many streaming services to get brand new content throughout the month, but the last day of the month is surprising; Despite that weirdness, HBO Max has picked three movies for its streaming platform today, and honestly, all three of them are great horror movies. Among the movies added to HBO Max today is the classic found movie The Blair Witch Project (1999), the husband of Rob Zombie from the backwoods horror films The house of 1000 corpses and its complement refuse the devil. Stream it now on HBO Max, let’s find out why it’s awesome below.

Released in the early days of the internet, The Blair Witch Project was one of the last movies released that could have fooled audiences into the reality of the current situation. The film tells the story of three students who make a documentary about a local urban legend who get lost in the woods and seem to fall prey to the titular ghost. Among his fans are none other than Stephen King. HBO is also home to Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2the rapidly developing part that was poorly received but developed a cult following.

Rob Zombie’s House of 1,000 Corpses marked the musician’s first feature film and had a tumultuous road to making it to the big screen. The horror film starring Sid Haig, Bill Moseley and Sheri Moon-Zombie, inspired by the director’s love for the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Funhouse, and other such exploitation films; It was created as an homage to an era of exploitation and exploitation that most filmmakers are trying to deliver yet they haven’t quite achieved, right down to not understanding it all. The 2001 movie was shelved for two years before finally being released in 2003. The movie is now streaming on HBO Max, watch it if you dare.

Two years after the final release of House of 1,000 Corpses came its sequel, The Devil’s Rejects, a corrupt and bloody road movie that was, in complete opposite from its predecessor, a somewhat beloved commercial success. Renowned critic Roger Ebert gave the film three out of four stars at the time of its release. Writing at the end: “I don’t want to receive any emails from readers complaining that I gave the movie three stars and so they went to it expecting to have a good time, and it was the sickest and most disgusting movie they’ve ever seen. My review accurately described the movie and explained why some of you might appreciate it And most of you won’t appreciate it, and if you decide to go, please don’t pretend you weren’t aware.”

All this means that these three films, which most people may be interested in, can now be watched on HBO Max.



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