Kirsten Dunst’s best movies, TV shows and how to watch them

Kirsten Dunst’s career never ceases to amaze and intimidate me. Just when I think I’m having a productive day, my intrusive thoughts about Dunst knock on the door of my mind with the scandalous fact of her own acting in front of both Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise when she was She landed the role in Interview with a vampire At the age of only ten.

Dunst is currently under 40 and has a resume of work spanning the past 30 years so impressive that it’s hard to say which shows are the best – but we’re sure we’ll give it a try! We’ve put together a list of 10 of the best Kirsten Dunst movies and TV shows from the powerful actress and how you can watch them while streaming.

Honorable Mention: Eternal Sunshine of a Clean Mind (2004)


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