No Country for Old Men starred Heath Ledger as Josh Brolin

There is no country for old men Help make Josh Brolin famous on a whole other level. However, the Coen Brothers’ dark crime thriller almost didn’t go to Brolin – it almost did. The Dark Knight Star Heath Ledger! Brolin confirmed an interesting piece of Hollywood trivia in a new interview he was doing on the Dax Shepard podcast. The actor is currently starring in the sci-fi, mystery, and western thriller series The Outer Range on Prime Video; This series definitely has emotions in tune with it There is no country for old menHence the walk down memory lane.

As Josh Brolin explains, Heath Ledger was the Coen Brothers’ first choice to play Lleweln Moss, a Texas welder who goes out hunting in the wilds and ends up in a dark world of drug cartels and killer assassins. However, as the Thanos actor explains, Ledger was at a place in his life (becoming a new dad, and career fatigue) where he didn’t feel like talking about the role:

“I know they were really frustrated and they were looking all over,” Brolin said. Armchair expert podcast. “I don’t know if you knew this, but Heath Ledger was supposed to do the role. It wasn’t because he died, he dropped out of the role. He was like, ‘I don’t want to work now.'” “

As stated, the role of a mysterious country man battling the supernatural evil assassin Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem) was a perfect fit for Brolin of Steel and helped advance his career. Having said that, it’s not hard to imagine why the Coens would seek Ledger for the role: The actor’s Monster Ball performances of Mark Forster (as a mumbling prison guard) and Brokeback Mountain (LGBTQ cowboys) were all good endorsements of what Ledger would have done in the role. It’s also hard not to think about what would have happened if There is no country for old men Keep Ledger out of the Joker…

Here is a summary of There is no country for old men – that you should watch if you haven’t.

In rural Texas, welder and fisherman Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin) discovers the remains of several drug dealers who murdered each other in an exchange that went wrong. Instead of reporting the discovery to the police, Moss decided simply to take a $2 million gift for himself. This psychopathic killer, Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem), puts his way in as he ruthlessly kills every competitor, passerby, and even a business owner in his pursuit of his quarry and money. As Moss desperately tries to hold his one step ahead, blood from this chase begins to flow behind him with relentlessly increasing intensity as Chigurh approaches his spot. Meanwhile, a brooding Sheriff Ed Tom Bell (Tommy Lee Jones) oversees the investigation even as he struggles to confront the enormity of the crimes he’s trying to thwart.



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