Does Dr. Strange or Wong know about the power of time variation? The Multiverse Writer Explains Madness

Sam Raimi Doctor Strange in a multiverse of madness It does a great job diving into the great science concept in its title, but fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe who have been attentive know this isn’t the first time the franchise has explored the big idea. The idea of ​​infinite truths is also a fundamental concept in loki The original Disney+ series starring Tom Hiddleston, which premiered last year. In the show, audiences are introduced to the power of time contrast, a bureaucratic institution created to keep the multiverse in order.

When considering the two producers simultaneously, one must wonder: Does Doctor Strange (or perhaps Wong, the Supreme Wizard) know of the existence of the time-contrast authority? To get an answer to this query, I went straight to the source: Doctor Strange in a multiverse of madness screenwriter/loki Principal writer Michael Waldron.


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