Can “hand wash only” clothes be put in the washing machine?

We often despair of “hand wash only” labels when doing laundry, seeing them as another inconvenience. This leaves us wondering if clothes are “hand wash only” going into the washing machine. After all, no one really wants to submerge their hands in soapy water to clean clothes.

The good news is yes, “hand wash only” clothes can be put in the washer, but with caution. In fact, there are several rules for washing clothes “hand wash only” in the washing machine without damaging them. Just follow these top tips to wash your delicate items with confidence. Plus, you’ll save money on replacing any favorite clothes!

Why do you need to wash things by hand?

Hand wash clothes

Hand wash clothes (Image credit: Shutterstock)

Although the idea of ​​hand washing seems old, it’s a much more gentle wash for clothes that easily stretch, snag and lose their shape. Additionally, hand washing does not include the hot water temperatures or the high spin cycle that you get from a washing machine. Both factors can shrink or spoil the fabric.


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