Why did Maverick’s Glen Powell have to change his character’s original call sign before filming started

The young actor is working alongside Tom Cruise in the upcoming sequel Top Gun: Maverick They have call signs that describe their personalities and the qualities of their journey. Cruise’s character, Pete Mitchell, goes for “Maverick” because he rarely follows the rules. Pilot Miles Teller bears the call sign “the rooster,” possibly referring to him being the son of Gus Anthony Edwards from the original film. Teller’s main competitor in the film, in a battle of wits and vanity, is Glen Powell’s Hangman, though the actor told CinemaBlend that he didn’t start with that calling tag and that he had good reason to change it.

Glenn Powell sat down with us in San Diego as part of the world premiere of Top Gun: MaverickWhere the entire cast spoke Intensive flight training Developed by Tom Cruise, and Cruz himself told us about it The importance of Lady Gaga’s original song “Hold My Hand” for the film’s soundtrack. As we began discussing calling signals, and whether everyone liked the ones given to them in the script, Powell told us:

I should already reach out to my own. When I first got the job, my original calling sign immediately was Slayer. And at the first Navy briefing, they were like, ‘You know, these are call signs for the Air Force, and these are call signs for the Navy. There are Air Force call signs such as the Slayer and the Spine Ripper. And I was like, ‘Okay, I have to change this! This is a call sign for the Air Force. So I went down to Miramar, and I stayed with some Navy pilots, and I really talked about what it would be like. That was… (Joseph) Kosinski, (Chris) McCurry and me We all came up with “The Executioner”.


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