Why Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness was the perfect movie to bring Charlize Theron Clea

A common feature of the Marvel Phase Four projects thus far has been the introduction of important characters (or flight propulsion for the main characters) in the closing minutes and final credits scenes of their films and television projects. Pop icon Harry Styles appeared as Starfox, Thaons’ brother, Chloe Zhao’s eternity was also coming to an end. The movie itself paid Kit Harington Closer to his destiny as a black knight, and had a cameo voice from Mahershala Ali code. And Mad Max: Fury Road badass Charlie Theron finally made her Marvel Cinematic Universe debut when she appeared as Clea in a mid-credits scene for Doctor Strange in a multiverse of madness. But why are we introducing Clea at this point in the MCU timeline?

Doctor Strange fans have been waiting for Clea to appear in one of the stories. Some even thought Rachel McAdams was secretly playing Clea when she was cast in the first Doctor Strange movie. Instead, it is Theron Sharing the official images of MCU CleaAnd rushing to play it again alongside Benedict Cumberbatch in a future Marvel Studios project (to be determined). Comment on Marvel.com About using Clea at that moment, Doctor Strange in a multiverse of madness Author Michael Waldron admitted:

Making Charlize Theron play that character, holy crap! In the comics, Klee is the great love of Dr. Strange so to speak. Surrogate Kristen Palmer, saying goodbye to our Doctor Strange, tells him to face his fears, to be willing to love someone else and to face that fear of connecting with someone else. It felt like the perfect time to finally introduce this very pivotal character in Doctor Strange’s canon.


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