John Dimaggio reveals he ‘didn’t get more money’ before signing for Renaissance

Futurama He’s now in the midst of another big Hulu revival, but star John Dimaggio revealed he “didn’t get any more money” from the team behind the series before signing on to the revival show. When it was first announced that fan-favorite animated series Futurama would be getting another revival series, it was confirmed that a lot of the original voices behind the series had signed on to the new show. Dimaggio, who voted Bender Binding Rodriguez among many others, had initially held back citing concerns about low wages. But after some time, DiMaggio signed on to the revival series.

Upon seeing DiMaggio signing off on the new Futurama series, many fans suspected that he was able to negotiate a higher pay rate for his work with the new episodes. But as he noted during a session at Phoenix Fan Fusion (As I mentioned / movie), perhaps that wasn’t the case after all as DiMaggio stated that the reality of the situation was much different, “People are like, I’m so glad you got more money!” Dimaggio pointed out. Then he added, “I didn’t get any more money. But what I did get was a lot of respect, and many head nods from people like, ‘Brother, I see you and thank you.'” ”

(Photo: Fox)

DiMaggio explained that Hulu’s original plan to move forward without him as part of the cast would have led them to use guest stars to replace Bender’s voice in every episode. While DiMaggio noted that the respect he got from his teammates was “very rewarding,” the negotiations themselves were tough, “trying to get money from Disney is like trying to get blood from a stone – you won’t get it.” As he explained further, it seemed like a difficult decision.

Speaking of the situation as a whole, DiMaggio offered the following, “But listen, that was the best thing about that fight: I had Disney, Hulu, I was holding on to their collective testicles so tightly that they couldn’t, yeah ‘I know, there was nowhere to go’ . But there was nowhere to go either, and who wants to hold on to those for so long? ”

As for the new Futurama 20 new episodes are currently in the works for release on Hulu next year. what do you think? How do you feel about John Dimaggio returning for new episodes of Futurama along with the rest of the original cast? Let us know all your thoughts on this topic in the comments! You can also contact me directly about all the moving stuff and other cool stuff Valdezology on Twitter!

via / movie



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