Sega may reveal a new mini console

On Friday, June 3, Sega is set to announce a new project, leading to speculation that it could be a new mini console. The company’s official Japanese Twitter account announced the livestream, along with a chocolate-dipped croissant designed to look like a Sega Genesis console. The tweet also mentions that Hiroyuki Miyazaki and Yusuke Okonari will be present. as such Chronicle video games Notes, they both worked on the Sega Genesis Mini, which was released in 2019. Before moving to a third party, Sega produced a number of consoles, but if they announced a new mini console, the Dreamcast would likely be the most likely candidate.

Sega’s tweet announcing the live broadcast can be found embedded below. The broadcast will go live at 7 a.m. ET on Friday, June 3 on the company’s YouTube channel, which can be found over here.

In a 2020 interview with Famitsu (translated by silicone), Okunari discussed Game Gear Micro, noting that “for the next phase, we may opt for a concept close to the Mega Drive Mini,” before listing the SG-1000 and Dreamcast as possible legacy mini consoles. Given that the Dreamcast is more recognizable around the world, this appears to be the more likely of the two options.

The Dreamcast was released in 1999, and only lasted two years on the market before Sega pulled the plug. The Dreamcast is the company’s definitive console release, and while it has had little commercial success, it has found a craving following among retro fans. The system boasts an impressive library, including games like sonic adventureAnd the Arcadia skyAnd the ShenmueAnd the crazy taxiAnd the Jet Set Radio. The Sega Genesis Mini included 42 games built in, and the Dreamcast Mini would have no problem offering a similar number of favorites.

With an announcement only a few days left, fans won’t have to wait long to see what’s in store for Sega! We hope this new project will prove to be an exciting one for fans of the company, no matter what is revealed.

What do you think Sega will announce on Friday? Buying a Dreamcast Mini console? Tell us in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at Tweet embed To talk about all things gaming!



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