A unique wrestling adventure

The world of professional wrestling is equal parts entertaining and surreal, which is part of the reason why it translates so seamlessly into other mediums. The larger aspects of life in this sport fit well with fantasies, and this is masterfully captured in Make a Powerbomba new series by writer and artist Daniel Warren Johnson, colorist Mike Spencer, and character Ross Wootton. Make a Powerbomb He sets his own vibrant world with rhythms of legacy, grief and more, then casts a touch of the supernatural to deliver a unique story that deserves all the praise you’ll undoubtedly receive, and I couldn’t recommend more.

Make a Powerbomb Introduces readers to Luna Steelrose, the daughter of one of wrestling’s biggest stars and Tokyo Grand World Heavyweight Champion. The series quickly establishes an unquestionably grappling look and vibe, and Johnson’s enthusiasm for the sport is evident on every page, with sequences that look like they were taken straight out of a wrestling classic broadcast. The visual style embraces the vibrant colors and bold designs wrestling fans are accustomed to, and while it carries a bit of that old-fashioned allure, this story and the world in which it is set still feel modern and relevant.

(Photo: photo comics)

You can also tell Johnson that he’s seen more than a few promotions, and that the originality continues with the matches themselves. Wooton’s superb action immerses you in the action that happens in the ring, ensuring you feel every punch, elbow, and surrender, making you feel as though you’re truly ringside. Meanwhile, Spencer’s colors sparkle with energy (literally in some cases) and the discerning color palette ensures that every fight is special and unique.

This dynamite artwork team work is effective in the most personal moments, and you may find yourself swaying from some of those moments. Grief, disappointment, regret, hope and determination are so uniquely explored and all leave such a lasting impact that it would be hard not to sympathize with Lona Steelrose’s plight. You undoubtedly root for it, but enough is conveyed about where the other characters come from to give substance to conflict and authenticity.

Then everything gets a promise full of twist and really starts to move the other main element in the series, making the already stellar appearance even better. When I say no wrestling fan should miss it Make a PowerbombThis is no exaggeration, although I would also say that those unfamiliar with the world of wrestling will find plenty to enjoy with its strong personalities and compelling storytelling, and you will probably find yourself fascinated by professional wrestling when it’s all said and done. Make a PowerbombThe only drawback is that problem #2 hasn’t appeared yet, so if it’s not already clear, I can’t recommend this series any more.

Posted by picture caricature

on me June 15, 2022

Written and drawn by Daniel Warren Johnson

Colors Mike Spicer

Messages by Ross Wootton



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