The Return of the Spoiler in the Earth-Prime Comic

The CW’s Arrowverse of DC-inspired shows got the comic treatment of Earth-Prime comedy with stories that explore and, in some cases, expand what fans have watched on TV for seasons. This week, the six-issue event ends with Earth Chief: Twilight Hero Bringing everything together in a one-of-a-kind “crossover” and plenty of TV crossovers, the comic version comes with a stunning reveal in the form of an unexpected comeback.

Warning: spoilers for Earth Chief: Twilight Hero #6 From Thomas Pound, Jeff Hirsch, Pablo M. Kollar, and Will Robson, after this point.

The case spreads to Central City 2049 with the children of The Flash, Bart West Allen/Impulse, and Nora West Allen/XS. The couple is at home, as Nora works on a story for Citizen and Bart mostly just hanging out when a major threat threatens the city – specifically, Bloodwork, who was revealed in the previous issue has somehow escaped ARGUS custody. While the siblings are eager to salvage the situation, Bloodwork is a villain who is considered beyond their threat level, so while the “real” heroes deal with that, they also deal with other issues that occur concurrently. Unfortunately, that’s when an even bigger problem arises: Magog. Even worse, as the siblings race to help the main heroes in various ways, they said the heroes are starting to disappear amidst a strange green mist. In the end, only Impulse and XS remain to save the situation and the pair step forward to take the initiative while the other heroes mysteriously return to their support after a mysterious figure in a green robe declares that the young heroes are “ready and worthy.”

Later, in the Hall of Justice, the older heroes gather together and review what happened when this mysterious figure in robe appears and announces, “Changes are coming. There is turmoil in our reality. Cosmic forces come together… This trial only pales next to what is expected of them. They must Be prepared for what’s to come.” Then, on the last page, the figure took his hood and revealed that he was none other than Oliver Queen, the former Green Arrow who ran The Specter. For fans of the Arrowverse, this is a huge reveal of the role of Oliver Queen, played by Stephen Amell Arrow, died in “Crisis on Infinite Earths”, after saving the multiverse. The last fan saw him, he’s gone to his eternal reward, eventually joined by Felicity Smok.

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(picture: DC Comics)

What makes this a huge reveal, however, is that Oliver has been dead in the Arrowverse for a few seasons now, but this comic crossover is actually a canon for the CW television universe. This means that sometime in the year 2049, Oliver Queen is back from his afterlife, and there’s something huge coming up that heroes – especially youngsters like Bart and Nora – need to prepare for. The story itself ends with a hint that there is more to come with “The End… For Now” although it is unclear if the follow-up will appear on screen in Sparkle Season 9 (the comics tease that at least part of the story will continue there) or in additional comics. However, it continues, it seems that Oliver Queen is not gone after all.

Interestingly enough, this comic also comes at a time when the venue for other series was part of both the CW universe and the comic strip, Superman and Louisheading into the season finale, an epilogue that’s supposed to explain this show’s relationship to the overall Arrowverse. Superman and Louis He didn’t really mention the other Arrowverse shows in the first two seasons, and while the upcoming finale should reveal why, given that something bigger is afoot, at least to come, for the Arrowverse, it’s interesting to see how TV shows and comics come together with The secrets of the universe continue to unfold.

Earth Chief: Twilight Hero #6 is on sale now. Superman and Louis It airs Tuesdays at 8 / 7c and Sparkle It airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on The CW.



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