Roomba Self Vacuum Cleaner is 50% off on Prime Day – the lowest price ever

We are on the second day of Prime Day, which means that Prime Day Deals By leaps and bounds. But, if you are looking for something that makes your home business a little easier, you need to look no further.

The iRobot Roomba i7 + Robot Vacuum with Automatic Dirt Disposal is currently down to $499 (Opens in a new tab). That’s $500 off, the cheapest it’s ever been, which is great for such a highly rated robotic vacuum cleaner.

iRobot offers a wide range of models with everything from entry level designs to those that can empty themselves through the base. This brand has made some of the biggest advances in robotic vacuum cleaners, so you can imagine our surprise when we realized that one of the latest models had been drastically reduced.

Not only is this model 50% off, it comes with a self-discharging charging base. This means that you don’t have to pay close to $1000 to get the latest technology or good performance out of a robot vacuum. Plus, it ranks as one of the best Roombas vacuums and the best robotic vacuum we’ve ever tested.

When we tested the Roomba i7+, we found that it offers excellent navigation as well as fast results. Unpacking the cleaning base couldn’t be easier either. Admittedly, it is not without its drawbacks – the price is usually the same, but we can safely say that you can avoid this if you act quickly on this deal.

We’ve also seen more thorough cleaning performance than other models. However, this does not mean that the performance of the j7+ is weak in any way. It scored higher than the Samsung PowerBot R7070 as well as the iRobot Roomba 690. Plus, its performance on pet hair was so good that it featured on our list. Best robot vacuum cleaner for pet hair. See our full review of the iRobot Roomba i7+ for more information.

In the end, if you’ve always wanted a good robot vacuum, but didn’t want to pay the highest price for all the bells and whistles, now’s your chance to take advantage. The self-discharge base makes it an ideal buy if you also suffer from allergies.


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