The fault in Jurassic Park that took 27 years to be revealed

MFilm excerpts are very common, but they are often caught quickly and easily. On this occasion, one such error was finally discovered, but it took 27 years to discover it.

It’s a bug that has surfaced in Jurassic Park, which although in plain sight has never been found or at least has not been publicly revealed.

A user on Reddit shared his discovery two years ago after watching the movie 11 times, which means it’s not easy to find for those who enjoyed the movies.

Having said that, from now on, you won’t be able to miss the mistake that production made 27 years ago.

The fault in Jurassic Park

The problem now being pointed out 27 years later occurs when at some point in the movie, the Raptor opens the door to enter the kitchen.

When the dinosaur is standing in the doorway, you can see how one of the production members, in this case a worker, reaches out to grab the dinosaur’s tail.

How was the movie made?

The failure occurred in a somewhat understandable way. We must remember that Steven Spielberg He pioneered the use of technology for his films. Jurassic Park was a mixture of CGI and puppetry.

The latter was controlled by operators, so in an innovative and complex project like this one, it is normal that some details such as the tail are omitted.

It should be remembered that so far, according to IMDb, 341 such errors and glitches have been found.

This data leaves open the possibility that in the coming years, more errors will continue to be revealed in the Jurassic Park and Jurassic World films.

Jurassic Park, great success

Despite these minor flaws, there is no doubt that the film was a huge success.

Its launch in 1993 brought in a total of $900 million worldwide. The movie was one of the most famous films in the history of modern cinema.



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